Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I am about to tell a funny on myself. Have you ever not had enough sleep for a while and then had to get up a bit earlier than usual? Usually, things don't go quite right and you just have to shake your head and laugh. That is me right now. Not NEAR enough sleep has been had for the last several weeks and then I had to get up at 5 this morning to get a plane out the door by 8 AM. I get up, get dressed, have breakfast and head out the door. Get to work, change into my uniform, and start the work day. It is now 9:30 AM. So I have been up and "dressed" for over 4 hours. I just realized that my boxers are on backwards. Feel free to giggle or guffaw.


lori taylor said...

I was trying to think of something witty to say and then realized that anything one could say would be open to doble-sentido. So I will content myself to say, glad your crisis was so resolvable!

Maggie said...

wanted to really laugh, but it hurts my tummy to do so - please in future post a cautionary word for those of us who've just had major surgery and shouldn't have big belly laughs!!!!!

scottieb said...

i am taking full advantage of your offer and am giggling my rear off! too funny ben!