So, as I trolled through the depths of cyberspace yesterday, i ran across an old friend. I clicked on his myspace account and proceeded to follow the links until I had found all of my old church friends from back in Waukesha. A little bit later, I did the exact same thing with all my college buddies from Waukesha. Now here is the awkward part. I have found them...but I haven't talked to any of them in about two years. if not more for some. How do I go about introducing myself to them again? I am thinking that I just wait until I think of a comment to post on one of their blogs, and slip in all sly like. Or maybe just try to add them to my friends list on my own myspace account. Who knows. We shall see how this all goes down.
I love despair.com. I posted one of their pieces of artwork on my blog once - it was about persistence. loved it! :-) Happy Belated Birthday! the last hurrah, huh?
have fun getting reconnected. if they're really your friends, they'll be happy to hear from you no matter how long it's been.
i figured they wouldn't mind, it is still awkward. Kinda 25th high school reunion style. I love the "persistance" pic. "It's over man, let her go."
On most of those profiles you have to be on their "friends list" before you can add a comment.
true. That thought was more for their blogs, and not myspace.
I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.
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